Whose Voices are Inside Your Head?

What’s the Chatter in Your Head? If you were raised like I was, you have heard before that only crazy people have voices in their heads. You’ve seen the “psycho-killer” movie where he (or she) seeks revenge until it becomes an all-consuming obsession. They hear voices in their heads that make them do the things…

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Redefining Success: Building My Best Year Ever

How I Learned from Becoming My Biggest Setback It’s 2018. The past couple of years have been tough, but negotiable. Fortunately, I am still breathing to write more about this bizarre journey for personal success. I have earned a lot of money and lost a lot of money. I have done everything I can to…

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The Book That Helped Me Earn My Biggest Paycheck So Far

Alright here’s my confession. I didn’t buy the book The 10x Rule, I bought the mp3 audio, which is even better than the book in my opinion . The audio is also called The 10x Rule by New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, sales trainer, and real estate mogul Grant Cardone. I bought it from GrantCardone.com on…

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“Good Job” vs. Entrepreneurship

Search for the good job

Everyone Wants a “Good Job,” Right? I guess it depends on who you’re speaking with. And what do you mean by a “good job?” I’ve heard this term a lot over the last few years, especially around election time. You hear statements like “There just aren’t enough ‘good jobs.’” What better excuse for mediocrity can…

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Focus on Achieving Success

Focus definition

Focus On Positive Change Success is the habit of creating positive change. To create positive change, you have to concentrate your attention on your desired result.To me, this is one of the most overlooked requirements of becoming successful. Google defines “focus” as the center of interest or activity. It is where you concentrate your attention…

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Desire Is Where Success Starts

Desire is where business success starts. Success will not come to you just because you are awesome. There are people who say they desire success, but they don’t want success badly enough to work hard towards their vision of success. They think that their friends will not approve, and these people are probably right. Their…

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How Important is Success to You?

What is this elusive thing called success? To some, success means nice cars, nice houses, vacations, and lots of leisure time. To others, it means merely getting the bills paid and making ends meet. To other people, it means making sure they get their government check every month. To most people, success means doing better…

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The Best “Failure” I’ve Ever Had

In the past, when I stopped a business that I had been working on, the results were disastrous.  This time, not so much.  I was incredibly fortunate to have been involved in the last business I got into and I met  some really great people.  I was challenged to do things I’ve never done before…like move to Atlanta with…

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