The War on Small Business by Carol Roth

Review of The War on Small Business by Carol Roth

Get “The War on Small Business”

I’ve been meaning to write this for a while. I think now is a great time to highlight this book.

I don’t know where you were in March 2020, but I was in Miami, FL working on a Laravel application for a diamond broker. My mother got sick and needed help, so I dropped everything and moved to south Florida from Atlanta to take care of her. Everything was fine. My mother was well. The sun was warm and there were challenges but nothing I couldn’t overcome. On around March 17, 2020, the CEO of the company came in with a copy of the Miami Herald and said that the pandemic was here and soon, they would shut down the City of Miami. I thought he was crazy. Then, on March 20th, he announced that he was shutting down the office. And then on March 26th the entire city of Miami was shut down. I never thought I would see the day that the United States would be closed for business.

After living through the shutdown in Florida, I moved back to Georgia in September 2020 after my mother was better from her illness that had me move to Florida the previous year. In May 2021, I moved to the State of Maine to live with my fiancée. The day I crossed the Maine state line was the day that they stopped the mask mandate for COVID.

Something seemed fishy with the whole COVID thing from the very beginning to me. There seemed to be an ulterior motive for the government to be so quick to shut everything down and to be so slow to relinquish their newly found power. In my experience, I saw how differently the local governments responded between Broward county, Florida and rural Georgia. One was shutting everything down and the other was wondering what you had a mask on for. I’ll never forget being asked to leave a bank because I didn’t have a mask on.

That’s about the same time I started wondering what we just went through as a country.

About a month later, my copy of Carol Roth’s The War on Small Business got delivered.

I have been following Carol Roth since around 2010 when I read her book The Entrepreneur Equation. I have always been sold on entrepreneurship and I was finally a small business owner with my web development business. I was finally a small business owner and on my way to business success.

Who is Carol Roth?

Carol Roth describes herself as a “recovering investment banker” and has a bachelor of science degree from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. She has helped her clients raise over $1 billion in capital from “solopreneurs” to multinational corporations. You may have seen her on Fox News Channel, MSNBC, Fox Business News, and WGN Chicago, among others. She is someone from the trenches of entrepreneurship and has been a champion of and for the small business community.

Back to “The War on Small Business”

In “The War on Small Business,” Carol reports on the centralized powers that be (the government) and how they waged war on small businesses during the COVID lockdowns. It is a fantastic retrospective look at the steps government took to control one of the most “wild card” aspects of the American economy, the small business owner.

“Though it seemed clear to anyone who thought a few steps ahead that fifteen days would not be enough to kill of a virus, it was plenty of time to kill the Constitution – and severely damage small businesses.” Page 36, The War on Small Business

That quote should give a very clear view of where the book is headed. It also outlines how the “government tries to solve problems with more government” as more governors around the country extended lockdowns and restrictions.

“If you believe that monopolies in markets are bad, remember that the government is the ultimate monopoly , and it has the military and IRS attached to enforce their monopoly power!” -page 144, The War on Small Business

“Central planning has crushed small business because small business is both too small to matter and too difficult to control. It has done the same with individuals in order to make them dependent on government handouts.” -Page 273, The War on Small Business

It’s not enough to just read the news and accept what the government and the legacy media tell you. It’s your responsibility to find what happened to small business and your individual rights during the government’s response to the “pandemic.” To get the “what-happened-while-your were-locked-down” story, get and read The War on Small Business.

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Michael Neely

My name is Michael Neely and I am an entrepreneur, blogger, FOREX trader, coin collector and businessman. I have also been known as a waiter, bartender, Series Three (Commodities and Currencies Options and Futures). I currently live in New England with my beautiful fiancée, Patsy and Pip, our Jack Russell terrier.