Economics vs. Politics

The “mainstream media” keeps telling me that the economy is in the crapper, but I’ve never been without a job for longer than around 45 days (except when I lived in south Florida in the summer one year in 2003). When I lose a job, I get another one. It’s just the way I am. The last time I filed for unemployment, it took me 45 days to get my one and only check because it took me 10 days to find another job.

The politicians are all telling me that the economy is in the crapper, too. Personally, I don’t have a lot to complain about. I’m not necesarily making more or less money, but I am thoroughly enjoying the ride! I did quit two very expensive habits, smoking and drinking. I seem to see things a lot clearer now.

So, what’s really going on here? Some time ago, someone convinced (duped)the American public into thinking that Politics trumps Economics, and hence politicians control the economy. This is one of the biggest hoaxes that has ever been perpetrated on the American people. Maybe because as a formerly-homeless veteran, I can see through government lies about what they do to help you (us), the people. When I went to the VA in the summer of 2003, told them I was homeless and Honorably Discharged, produced copies of my DD-214’s, they took a picture of me and then handed me my VA card. I asked about what resources were available to me, a homeless veteran. The answer was “Nothing.” As it turns out, a LOT of homeless men are veterans. When the government puts better measures into place to help veterans adjust from military life to civilian life, I’ll believe that the government can do anything to help me.

Here’s another clue. The current attorney general of the United States recently made implications that the best weapon we have against terrorism is our civilian court system. This is nothing less of delusional. I have no idea how he can make such a statement. It’s just not even worthy of attention it’s so delusional.

Another clue: Al Gore. As you can see from the link, it is never mentioned that he minored in physics, meteorology (very physics-based) or ever worked as a scientist anywhere, yet, the effects of “global warming” are everywhere…until you ask a REAL scientist. It did cause a politician-forced shift in consumer products from an inexpensive industry to a more expensive industry, such as the ban on incandescent light bulbs set to go into effect in 2012. Here’s a hint for you: The climate is changing and has every year since the Earth was born. Just ask a paleometeorologist.

This brings me to the next failure of the current political structure to convince me that we were sliding off a cliff economically. This whole debt ceiling thing is kind of a hoax. All the players involved know that the debt ceiling has to be raised. Why? They’ve already spent the money.

Why? THEY’VE ALREADY SPENT THE MONEY. This is the equivalent of going to the store with $30 in your checking account and spending $50. I don’t know what happens to your bank account, but mine would get overdrawn and my bank would charge me a pretty decent fee.

They, the politicians (looters) have a spending problem. I fixed my spending problem. Why can’t Washington fix theirs?

I believe that this 2012 election season is one where the American people choose not only a President, but an economic system. The steps are in place to further shift the American economy closer to socialism and further away from capitalism. The only excuse for the shortcomings of the socialist American system is to blame the previous President, not the fact that it mathematically does not work. Just ask Greece…

By the way, taxing the rich IS wealth re-distribution!

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Michael Neely

My name is Michael Neely and I am an entrepreneur, blogger, FOREX trader, coin collector and businessman. I have also been known as a waiter, bartender, Series Three (Commodities and Currencies Options and Futures). I currently live in New England with my beautiful fiancée, Patsy and Pip, our Jack Russell terrier.

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