Fitness: Body, Mind, Spirit
My Attitude Towards Fitness
The word “trinity” is defined as the number three. There are many trinities in the world. The number three comes up again and again throughout the development of civilization, in nature and all over the world. Maybe it is the way our brains are wired? Did a deity or deities give us this number and say “I give you the number three?” Did aliens give the number three to us? I have no idea, but I do know that there is a trinity that I pay very close attention. It is about my health, the one asset that if I lose, I can do nothing. This trinity consists of the main aspects of being human: body, mind, and spirit.
I am a former high school championship soccer player, and I am still an athlete. I began working out again in November 2014 when I knew that I would soon be facing challenges. I started experiencing a lack of energy and my normal (very physical) 14 hour workday as a waiter in a high volume restaurant became more challenging. I thought that my current lifestyle did not permit me to be in anything but top physical shape.
I have yet to find a doctor to say that exercise is bad for you, but then again, I’m not taking a poll. I have read some borderline irresponsible articles about how running is bad for your knees and doing sit-ups is bad for your back. If you are considering starting a workout regimen, consult your doctor first to see what is best for you.
However, if you are in good health, and you are only looking for an excuse to not start a workout regimen, I am not the guy you want to consult with on your health. I am in the “Ask-your-doctor-if-getting-off-your-ass-is-right-for-you” camp.
Just like your body needs exercise, your mind needs exercise too. Mental fitness means reading something new and putting new information into your brain. Staying mentally fit means solving a problem that you have in your life by making plans that will correct what needs to be corrected and executing those plans. Improving your mental agility means turning off the damn TV, picking up a book, and learning something new and integrating it into your life.
I am not an authority on spiritual fitness, but I am becoming a student of spiritual fitness. I am not what I consider a religious man, but that is where meditation plays a role in my life. Running and working out are spiritual to me. Getting into the downloaded audios from Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself (affiliate link) and meditating is a great way to become more spiritual. I own this book and the audios, and I recommend that you buy them also.
Fitness is not just for the guy at the gym working on being the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. To me, staying fit is how you stay sane in a world gone mad. Your fitness training should include body, mind, and spirit because body, mind, and spirit are all connected. You cannot live in good health without paying attention to all three of these crucial areas of life.