What If It’s Not as Bad as “They” Say It Is?
This blog entry began on July 16, 2010. I am learning about writing a post and saving it as adraft so some of the current information may seem a little outdated, but the message is clear.
As I begin this entry, I am watching the stock markets enter a trading area known as “the crapper.” I’m sure that a lot of novice investors and faithful employees have probably lost money in the stock market this year- that is IF they are bold enough to try to trade this market. The catalyst is that a preliminary consumer sentiment index for July is at the lowest level in 11 months, which shouldn’t be that hard to imagine. I know that a lot of people are having a really difficult time right now financially. I’m not buying yachts or Carribbean islands right now, but I have to say that I’m doing alright. Considering that I was homeless a few years ago, my definition of “alright” might differ from yours. I’m achieving new goals and making plans to restore my FICO score to levels it hasn’t seen in years. This brings me to the question “Who do you believe?”
I almost never watch the news unless I’m forced to because it’s on in an area where I am, like having lunch at CNN Center. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that, if you’re having lunch at CNN Center, you WILL watch CNN, whether you like it or not. I do pull CNBC up online and whenever I can view it in my leisure time, but only very briefly and only during trading hours. It’s actually an old habit from my lost gig as a commodities and currency options and futures broker. Except if there’s some major breaking news, I pay as small amount of attention to the media as possible. I even missed Lindsay Lohan getting sentenced to 90 days in jail, but my life went on.
There is a school of thought that states that whatever thoughts you hold in your mind, those thoughts will materialize in the outside world. If this sounds like an excerpt from the book or movie “The Secret,” you’re right. It is also the way that prayers are answered. I have experienced this phenomenon in my life as I’m sure you have too. So if you watch a lot of news and do your personal economic forecasting and planning based on recent news reports, I’ll bet you haven’t gotten very far recently (unless you work for “the news”). With the media cranking out nothing but bad news, if you pay a lot of attention to it, you have nothing but bad thoughts running through your mind…and this is creating your current reality.
Let’s play a game to illustrate my point. I’m going to ask a few questions and, as quickly as you can, I want you to say first thought you have out loud (or think it to yourself, if you’re in a “quiet” place). My reference for this is an audio program called “I know What To Do, So Why Don’t I Do It” by Dr. Nick Hall (very highly recommended).
a) What color is freshly fallen snow?
b) What color do clouds appear on a sunny day?
c) What color is a doctor’s lab coat?
d) What color does table salt appear?
e) How do you pronounce the word spelled “w-h-i-t-e?”
f) What do cows drink?
Well five out of six “ain’t bad,” right?
What’s my point?
Since the first five questions had your mind fixating on with the word “white,” I would bet your answer for the last question was incorrect. Chances are pretty good that you answered “milk” for the last answer. Cows don’t drink milk, they give milk. Cows drink water.
So what if we’re all being brainwashed by the media these days to limit ourselves and our potential? What if it’s really not THAT bad out there? What if the media is painting a picture that does not really exist for you? I can just about guarantee that if you believe that it’s bad out there (in the “real” world), it will be for you. If you think that things are getting better for you, they will be getting better (or not seem as bad).
If things aren’t really that bad for you out there, what excuses can you now get rid of in order to improve your life?